Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Brandon Mull and Chad Morris!

Birthdays are always fun and exciting. The Brain's birthday was going to be memorable this year. I found out two of her favorite authors were going to be signing books at a local Barnes & Noble on her birthday. What an awesome opportunity to keep her passion for reading alive and to feed her love of writing.  We got there early at ate at the cafĂ© they have in their store. The Brain was very anxious as she waited to meet two of her idols.
We have met Brandon Mull two times before, but she was pretty young and wasn't old enough to read his books. I just realized we might sound like Brandon Mull stalkers. Maybe we are...a little. We had never met Chad Morris and had honestly only heard about his books. Since the book signing, The Brain has become a huge fan!

Before we got in line for the long awaited book signing, both authors talked to their young fans and revealed some awesome information about upcoming projects they are working on. They also allowed time for the kids to ask a lot of questions. These men are hilarious and fantastic with kids. I think it's pretty safe to say they are 5th graders in adult bodies. They were so personable and made every child feel important.

Finally, it was our turn to meet them face to face and get The Brain's new books autographed. My husband mentioned that it was The Brain's birthday and they both responded with excitement and signed Happy Birthday in her books. Chad Morris even commented on her picture we posted on his Facebook page and said she was "Awesome!" and wished her a happy birthday again. I think this birthday will go down in the books as historical for her. She will never forget the experience.
Now if they could just come back to our area on my birthday...:)

Authors do tours all the time. Check out your favorite author's website and check out their tour dates and locations. There are so many opportunities to get our children excited about reading and sometimes meeting an author can be just the push they need. I don't think I've seen my kids more star struck than when they meet their favorite authors. Meeting Brandon Mull and Chad Morris and hearing them talk about their writing process and how they get their ideas has really helped The Brain in her writing and kept her working on her writing goals. When they heard she wants to be a writer, they fully encouraged her with so much enthusiasm she came home and couldn't wait to get started on her writing projects. I can't thank authors of children's and YA literature enough. They have kept the spark alive in not only my children but also my husband and I.

Happy homeschooling!

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