Monday, January 13, 2014

Messy Fun!

This last week was very busy and the weather was wild. We had rain, freezing rain, sleet, snow, wind and a little bit of sunshine. My little ones were a bit antsy because they were cooped up inside most of the time. They were having a hard time focusing on schoolwork and started tormenting each other just for kicks. We thought it would be a good time to try something new. We went outside and brought a tub of snow inside and painted it with colored water. They had a blast. It was a little messy but fairly easy cleanup. We used a small tote, I didn't want a huge watery mess when the snow melted. 
We scooped some out onto a plastic plate for each child. I used a cupcake tin to mix the colored water. We just used a drop or two of food coloring and it worked great!
The colors were brilliant and the kids were happy. 

We also had fun painting dinosaurs in our dinosaur book. After the pages dried, the littles practiced writing the letter D. 

I found the dinosaur book on I love this website. It is well worth the small annual fee. 

Peaches is getting her craft on! She made this adorable top out of a t-shirt. I think she did an amazing job. 

This week is full and busy. We are getting excited for our co-op Valentine party. 

I hope this week goes well for you all. Happy homeschooling!

Thursday, January 2, 2014

November and December Oh My!

November came and went in a flash and so did December. I was so busy I didn't get many pictures of schooling. I left the family pictures to my husband and children and they took plenty of those. In November, however, I was on my morning walk and found a nest lying on the ground. I decided to pick up that nest and take it home to show my children and teach the little ones about birds. We watched several short videos on how birds make their nests and about different types of birds. We also did a few crafts and worksheets on birds. They loved it and were very excited. 
Luke was so excited about the nest he decided that he needed to take his own picture. I think he did a pretty good job. 
Peaches loves silly hats, nerdy glasses and little kids. Put all of that together and give her a camera and this is what happens. 
Craziness I tell you! ;) Peaches and Pinky had a Christmas concert with their choir. It was wonderful and they looked so beautiful they almost made their dad cry. He is having a hard time with them growing up so fast. 
We spent a lot of the month of December learning about the true meaning of Christmas, sewing, crafting and serving others. We still found time to do math, English, science and social studies. It was one crazy month. This is the end of our little catch-up session. I am excited to see what the new year brings! Happy New Year!

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

October Catch Up!

October was a great month we learned about Christopher Columbus, made our own Halloween costumes and had a co-op party. I didn't get pictures of our Christopher Columbus day. I forgot my camera. We learned about his voyages, watched a movie, learned about the different kinds of ships they sailed in and the courses he took and then did some fun worksheets. 

Here are some of the fun Halloween pictures. We made some of the costumes and others we borrowed. We went to a few parties and a trunk-or-treat at our church. 

This is a cake my sister and her kids made for our co-op party. The cupcakes had ghosts and headstones on them and were provided by a good friend who hosts the co-op meetings at her house. 

My kids and I made the bag of bones with pretzel sticks, mini marshmallows and white chocolate melt. They were fun, easy and a total hit!
For all of you Dr. Who fans, you will know what these next few pictures are without an explanation. For those of you who are not Whovians, I will explain. 

Peaches is a huge Dr. Who fan! Peaches, her cousin and friend decided to coordinate costumes this year. Peaches and her cousin made their own Weeping Angels costumes and their friend came as the Tardis, (Dr. Who's time traveling machine).

Luke and Leia dressed as...Luke and Leia and their cousin went as their father. ;) I crocheted Leia's buns. 
Pinky was a fairy while her friends went as a nerd and Link from the game Zelda. 
Here are some great friends from our co-op and their awesome older brother who was more than happy to participate and help with our party. 
Blue was a pirate and The Brain was a beautiful witch. My niece did most of the makeup for my kids and did an amazing job. 
I have always loved Halloween! Hopefully this year I will actually post my Halloween fun during the month of October instead of January of the following year. 

Crazy Around Here!

I know it's been a while since I posted anything. I sincerely apologize. My computer wasn't working for a while and then my internet was down. I also picked up some transcription that I do from home. I also love to crochet and have been making Christmas presents for my kids and other family members. I posted some of the things I have made on Facebook and ended up getting slammed with a ton of orders. Needless to say, I was busier than I had planned. In the middle of all of this business schooling still had to continue. I just didn't take as many pictures. I am planning on building up an inventory for future orders so that next year I can keep up with everything.

I hope that all of you had a very Merry Christmas and enjoyed welcoming in the new year. I am overhauling my house this year and reorganizing everything. I hope to enlist the help of my children and teach them a thing or two about organization and planning.

I am going to post a few posts to get caught up on what we have been doing over the last three months. I will start with September. 

We did a bear unit and learned about the letter B in preschool. We made these fun bear coasters out of card stock and old CD's. 

They worked! The littles couldn't wait to use them while eating lunch. 
We are part of a co-op and love it! In September we learned about the human body. Luke and his cousin are putting together puzzles of the body and bones. They had fun putting them in order. 

Pinky helped Gremlin with her puzzle. They work very well together. I love having older children that enjoy working with my little ones. 
Luke loved the pop-up book about the human body. He was completely drawn in by the illustrations. 
I believe in recess even for the older kids. We had a really good rain and my girls couldn't wait to get outside and play in the huge puddles the storm had left behind. 

I attempted to take a picture of Peaches for our homeschool ID cards. This is the result. Sassy teens are not uncommon at my house. ;)

Finally a couple that might work! Silliness is genetic. 
We had another great co-op day and learned about art. There was finger painting, drawing, coloring and sculpting. We also learned about many artists and types of art. 
Luke and his friend made spiders out of clay so they could scare me...I really have a serious dislike of spiders. 

Later in the month, when it got a little colder, I taught my kids how to make homemade chicken noodle soup. Luke and Leia really enjoyed helping me with the noodles. 
I apologize this doesn't have a lot of information that might be helpful. I will be getting back into posting fun ideas and information as we get further into the new year.