Wednesday, June 19, 2013

In the Beginning...

Here is my attempt to join the world of bloggers. Well, at least the public bloggers. I do have a private blog for family only, but who am I kidding, I only update that about once or twice a year, if I'm lucky. I am hoping that by creating a public blog about my homeschooling adventures, I will actually update my private blog more often. 

Let me introduce myself. My children call me Ursula. Yes, by Ursula, they mean the famous sea witch in The Little Mermaid. However, it is because of my own creative parenting that they call me by my favorite Disney princess's name. I will have to explain that in another blog or this one will be so long you might not ever come back. On with the introducing me part. I am the happy and quite insane, homeschooling mother of seven. Yes, I said seven. There would probably be more except I almost died bringing the last one into this world and the result of that miraculous event has left me unable to have anymore children. I am not dwelling on this however, since we thought we were finished having children after #4 and I feel that our family is quite complete, with six girls and one boy. Oh yes, I will pause for your inevitable sigh of sympathy for our poor son before I tell you the really sad more moment.........he is a guessed a girl! This adorable young charmer loves being the only boy. He has learned that all he has to do is bat his eyelashes, and give a little innocent smile and he is well on his way to having his sisters not only do his chores but giving him whatever he wants. Even his twin and the 16 mos old baby give in just as much as the older girls do. 

I have been homeschooling off and on for several years. At times I have gone through a virtual charter school and other times I have done it myself choosing different curricula and mixing and matching what I thought worked best. My children and I prefer the latter and will be continuing with that from here on out. I will be using this blog to share some ideas, what has worked and what hasn't worked, some fun things and probably just life in general. A lot can happen in this crazy house and it does on a daily basis. I hope you enjoy and if you have any experiences, comments or questions, please leave them in the comment section. I know we all come from different walks of life and have different belief systems. Please be courteous and respectful or I will delete your post. My children will be helping me on this blog so I will not tolerate any crude remarks, profanity or racial slurs. Other than that, I am pretty open to discussion and welcome good and healthy debates and I welcome new ideas because I am still learning. 

My next post will include some mini offices I have recently updated and a couple of fun activities  for kids. Stay tuned.... 

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