Saturday, May 31, 2014

Hanging With The Birds

We went on a recent field trip to a really fun place in our area. There were ponds and a lot of different birds. We have been learning a little bit about birds and my sister and her children have been working on a really fun unit study on birds. Her children were very helpful in teaching my children a few interesting facts about birds. We were lucky enough to get there just in time to see a lot of ducklings and goslings.

Luke was very disappointed all of the ducklings weren't yellow. There was quite the variety of ducks.

The littles found feathers for their natures books and had fun learning all about them. Their cousins told them how ducks use their feathers, why they preen, why they are waterproof and a lot of other information. It was a great addition to our bird unit from earlier in the year.

There were great trails and some not so great trails for strollers but Pinky was happy to help push Gremlin down the bumps and ruts. Gremlin really enjoyed the ride.
Peaches and Leia enjoyed walking along the paths and looking at all of the different plants. The Brain and her cousin also enjoyed the sights.

We happened upon a snow goose nesting. She popped her head up and thoroughly chewed us out for getting too close. My sister and I have had experience with mad geese and promptly guided our children away from the worried mother. We also saw a lot of other beautiful birds. After our trip we went home and looked some of them up on the internet to learn more about them.

We also learned about moss and some of the other plants in the area.
My sister and I had received the news that our grandfather had passed away that morning. He loved nature and especially loved birds. He had a great respect for animals and nature. We took the opportunity to teach our children about their great-grandfather and share some memories. We are so blessed to have such a beautiful reserve so close to home. We didn't have to travel far to see the beauty nature has to offer.  I think Gremlin wanted to stay and swim with the ducklings.
This was a great, free fieldtrip. Be sure to find the inexpensive and free sights and events in your area. Not only was this a fun learning experience but it was a great way to make memories and share memories of our loved ones. Happy homeschooling!

Helpful Forms

I know I have been MIA for the last several months. Let's just say, life happened.  I plan on homeschooling through the summer with a few breaks since we take breaks throughout the year. I have had a few people ask me how we do our schedule and keep my kids accountable and on track. I have to say that we don't always, but most of the time we do pretty well. That is the life of homeschooling. I have a dear friend who has really helped me with this part of homeschooling. She is a longtime homeschooler and has made some forms that help her keep track of what her kids are doing and help her kids be a little more accountable to her and themselves. There is one for older kids and one for younger kids. I have been using these this year and they seem to have worked. My children have to have these forms completed and in their binder before the end of the day, which is 5:00 pm for my family. 

The first form is for older children, but I have a younger child who prefers to use this one. Here is where you can print the form for the older students. I have scanned both forms into my computer since I do not have them on my computer. Here is the link to the form for the younger children. I do not use these forms for children who cannot write.

My children have been taught to be self directed and self taught. We start when they are really young. We direct the majority of their learning but give them opportunities to direct portions of their education. It has really paid off with my older children. I am already seeing one of my twins (5) begin to become more independent in her schooling. I have found that this approach has given my children more confidence in their own abilities to teach themselves something new and not be afraid of exploring in education.

I hope these forms help you as much as they have helped me. I am so thankful my friend shared them with me and has given me permission to share them with you.